Nick Lund

44 appearances in RDG productions

Nick joined the group in late 2002 and immediately scored a great success as Steven Flowers, the young new recruit to the concert party in Privates on Parade. He immediately followed this by playing the alter ego of James, a hugely challenging role in Passion Play. He played Septimus in Arcadia and the dastardly Rico in Copacabana. He scored a great personal success as the emotionally-torn Alfredo in A Little Like Drowning following which came his sensitive portayal of the emotionally stunted Billy Bibbit in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Nick gave a most affecting performance - both physically and emotionally - in the title role in The Cripple of Inishmaan.

His hugely demanding portrayal of Capt. Stanhope in Journey's End was greatly admired. Nick was nominated for a Best Acting Award at Leatherhead Festival in 2009 for his appearance in Land of the Dead and Helter Skelter. He followed this by appearing in two very different comedies: RolePlay and Whipping It Up, which further showed Nick's comic versatility. At the end of 2010 he gave a highly engaging performance as the title role in Tom Jones - a role in complete contrast to his deeply affecting performance in The Birthday Party. Further contrast came with his very funny performance as the hypochondriac Dennis in Habeas Corpus. A very busy 2011 ended on a musical note when Nick played the engaging Billy Lawler in our colourful production of 42nd Street. In 2012 he appeared in Cold Comfort Farm and Calendar Girls. 2014 saw Nick take on the unusual role and costume for the character of an ambivalent gender character in Alan Bennett's Enjoy.

A huge contrast came in his next performance as the idealistic Ralph Clark in Our Country's Good. He returned to musical theatre when his fine singing voice was featured in Nine to Five in 2015. The following year Nick scored a great success as the charming rogue Macheath in our spirited production of The Beggar's Opera. He went on to play with understated emotion the suicidal war hero unable to adapt to civilian life in For Services Rendered. He ended a very busy year by playing with great verve a leading role in our very popular musical White Christmas. In the comedy Handbagged, Nick played a variety of cameo roles with his performances as the Queen's private secretary and Nancy Reagan being particularly memorable! He ended the year in female clothes of an older vintage when he appeared as an actor who relished the female roles in Nell Gwynn - a hugely amusing performance. More flamboyant apparel was donned for his colourful portrayal of the naive young Englishman in our 2019 comedy Volpone. Two year's later and jumping forward two centuries Nick played a more knowing young Englishman in our colourful production of The Beaux Stratagem. In 2022 Nick gave strong performances in three contrasting plays - firstly as a tough angst-ridden Irishman in The Seafarer followed by the fervent idealistic doctor in the classic Uncle Vanya where Nick played the fervent idealist doctor with an endearing careworn passion.He ended the year by giving one of his most powerful musical performances as the Russian chess player in our popular musical Chess. In 2023 Nick played the key role as one of the narrators guiding us through the town of Under Milk Wood following which he played the frustrated boyfriend in our devastating production of The Father. He completed a very busy year when he played a very amusing Jack Worthing in our stylish presentation of Oscar Wilde's The of Being Earnest. He went on to play the busy Irish bartender at the centre of our haunting production of The Weir